object(WP_Post)#2195 (24) {
  string(1) "7"
  string(19) "2020-05-22 14:57:31"
  string(19) "2020-05-22 18:57:31"
  string(49215) "
A Message from our CEO

When I last reached out, we were in the middle of our Winter Program, having swiftly moved our program into the virtual space after it became clear it was no longer safe to meet, learn, or work in person. Since that time, due to the talent and energy of our team, we successfully graduated another magnanimous class of BroadFutures interns. While we all miss our offices and training rooms amidst the beautiful George Washington University campus, we are buoyed by a robust sense of community. To that end, I cannot express how sincerely grateful I am to our community and the response to our needs during this challenging time. We are so grateful to all of you for your generosity of heart and spirit.
As I reflect on the past couple of months and look forward to the summer, I am acutely aware of how much has changed. I am acutely aware that this summer will present us with a very different landscape for serving the young people in our program. I am acutely aware that for a program whose model is centered on the importance of human face-to-face interaction, communication, and empowerment, we are suddenly thrust into a virtual landscape, which by definition defies all that lies at the core of BroadFutures. However, as an eternal optimist, I am also acutely aware and reminded of the beginning days of BroadFutures, where the drive to create, fill a need, and have impact launched us into a novel space. Our energy was wonder, and our drive a determination to significantly change the outcomes of the young people we hoped to serve. It is that same sense of wonder, drive, and energy that fills me now as we embark on a new horizon, where we will not only be helping young people to learn, understand, and create virtually, but we will also be helping them to excel in a world that may be forever changed. 
As perpetual innovators, we are thrilled to be rolling out our Summer Strengths Career and College Readiness Program. The young people we serve will NOT be left behind.  They will continue to amaze us, and to thrive. We are indebted to our community for standing behind us, helping to propel our innovative engine into these unprecedented times we find ourselves in.  With gratitude and hope that we can all move forward together, with courage. Onward!!!
Sign up today!

Navigating the New Normal: 
Preparing for success in the new virtual landscape and beyond...

5 week intensive and interactive program focusing on college and career readiness.

Not just your average virtual program.
An innovative delivery of virtual curriculum for alternative learners, designed to be highly interactive:
  • Integration of the arts/drama
  • Use of virtual breakout rooms
  • Incorporation of yoga/mindfulness
  • Direct instruction limited to 10-15 minute periods
  • Collaborative projects & presentations
To learn more, visit this page on our website, 
or attend our virtual information session on May 26th at 11am (see below).

If interested in signing up for the program, please fill out this form.
Download a flyer with more information  here.

We are so excited for the summer and hope to see your name in the sign up sheet!
Information Session - May 26th
Join us to find out more about our Summer Strengths Program!

We will go over what to expect from the program, as well as answer any questions you have.

If interested in attending, please join the Zoom link here. Hope to see you then!
Thank you!!

A HUGE thank you to everyone who gave, shared, and supported BroadFutures during the #GiveLocalTogether campaign on May 5th!! We were so grateful to be able to participate in this event which was part of #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of giving in response to COVID-19. With support from 129 donors, we surpassed our goal and raised $37,528.00, raising the most out of all the nonprofits participating! Additionally, we came in fifth place for having the highest number of unique donors. Each contribution will have a significant impact on our ability to continue our mission to serve and empower young people with learning disabilities during these uncertain times.

Employer Spotlight - TASH

This month we have the pleasure of highlighting TASH for our Employer Spotlight.  TASH is a disability advocacy organization that works to advocate for human rights and inclusion for people with significant disabilities and support needs. TASH works to advance inclusive communities by engaging in advocacy, research, professional development, policy, and information and resources. They also host annual conferences to share resources and connect with others in the disability field.

We first partnered with TASH during the Summer 2018 Program, and they have been an employer partner in every program since. We are very grateful for their partnership! Ruthie-Marie Beckwith, TASH's Executive Director, shared: "For the past three years, BroadFutures has been a tremendous partner in promoting TASH's mission of ensuring equity, opportunity and inclusion for all individuals with disabilities. The dedicated and talented BroadFutures interns have been extremely well trained and supported throughout their placement and provided a tremendous service to the TASH community."

To Ruthie-Marie and the TASH staff: thank you so much for supporting our interns. We are thrilled to partner with an organization whose mission aligns with ours.  We look forward to continuing our partnership with TASH into the future. Learn more about TASH here.
Intern Spotlight - Scott Mikutsky

Meet Scott Mikutsky, an intern from our Winter 2020 cohort who we are excited to feature in our Intern Spotlight! Scott is from Riva, Maryland and is majoring in engineering at Anne Arundel Community College. He is a bright young man with a great sense of humor, and was a positive contributor to our program this winter. A fantastic problem-solver and creative thinker, Scott is also very knowledgeable about electronics and computers. These skills and knowledge helped him tremendously at his internship with Discovery, Inc. 

Scott enjoyed working with the IT team at Discovery, alongside another  BroadFutures intern. During his internship, Scott learned how to assist with various IT issues, imaged and prepared computers for deployment, and gave two presentations to the IT team. Thinking back on his time in the program, Scott shared with us, " My favorite part of the program was the valuable experience I gained and the people I was able to meet."

Scott plans to continue pursuing his degree in engineering from Anne Arundel in the fall. Scott, we wish you the best of luck and can't wait to hear about your future successes!
Know someone who would be interested in what BroadFutures does?
Know someone who might be interested in applying?

Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and connect with us on LinkedIn  to stay up to date on what we are doing here at BroadFutures.
202-521-4312 | info@broadfutures-website.azurewebsites.net  | www.broadfutures.org
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May 2020 Newsletter

22 May 2020
A Message from our CEO

When I last reached out, we were in the middle of our Winter Program, having swiftly moved our program into the virtual space after it became clear it was no longer safe to meet, learn, or work in person. Since that time, due to the talent and energy of our team, we successfully graduated another magnanimous class of BroadFutures interns. While we all miss our offices and training rooms amidst the beautiful George Washington University campus, we are buoyed by a robust sense of community. To that end, I cannot express how sincerely grateful I am to our community and the response to our needs during this challenging time. We are so grateful to all of you for your generosity of heart and spirit.
As I reflect on the past couple of months and look forward to the summer, I am acutely aware of how much has changed. I am acutely aware that this summer will present us with a very different landscape for serving the young people in our program. I am acutely aware that for a program whose model is centered on the importance of human face-to-face interaction, communication, and empowerment, we are suddenly thrust into a virtual landscape, which by definition defies all that lies at the core of BroadFutures. However, as an eternal optimist, I am also acutely aware and reminded of the beginning days of BroadFutures, where the drive to create, fill a need, and have impact launched us into a novel space. Our energy was wonder, and our drive a determination to significantly change the outcomes of the young people we hoped to serve. It is that same sense of wonder, drive, and energy that fills me now as we embark on a new horizon, where we will not only be helping young people to learn, understand, and create virtually, but we will also be helping them to excel in a world that may be forever changed. 
As perpetual innovators, we are thrilled to be rolling out our Summer Strengths Career and College Readiness Program. The young people we serve will NOT be left behind.  They will continue to amaze us, and to thrive. We are indebted to our community for standing behind us, helping to propel our innovative engine into these unprecedented times we find ourselves in.  With gratitude and hope that we can all move forward together, with courage. Onward!!!
Sign up today!

Navigating the New Normal: 
Preparing for success in the new virtual landscape and beyond…

5 week intensive and interactive program focusing on college and career readiness.

Not just your average virtual program.
An innovative delivery of virtual curriculum for alternative learners, designed to be highly interactive:
  • Integration of the arts/drama
  • Use of virtual breakout rooms
  • Incorporation of yoga/mindfulness
  • Direct instruction limited to 10-15 minute periods
  • Collaborative projects & presentations
To learn more, visit this page on our website, 
or attend our virtual information session on May 26th at 11am (see below).

If interested in signing up for the program, please fill out this form.
Download a flyer with more information  here.

We are so excited for the summer and hope to see your name in the sign up sheet!
Information Session – May 26th
Join us to find out more about our Summer Strengths Program!

We will go over what to expect from the program, as well as answer any questions you have.

If interested in attending, please join the Zoom link here. Hope to see you then!
Thank you!!

A HUGE thank you to everyone who gave, shared, and supported BroadFutures during the #GiveLocalTogether campaign on May 5th!! We were so grateful to be able to participate in this event which was part of #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of giving in response to COVID-19. With support from 129 donors, we surpassed our goal and raised $37,528.00, raising the most out of all the nonprofits participating! Additionally, we came in fifth place for having the highest number of unique donors. Each contribution will have a significant impact on our ability to continue our mission to serve and empower young people with learning disabilities during these uncertain times.

Employer Spotlight – TASH

This month we have the pleasure of highlighting TASH for our Employer Spotlight.  TASH is a disability advocacy organization that works to advocate for human rights and inclusion for people with significant disabilities and support needs. TASH works to advance inclusive communities by engaging in advocacy, research, professional development, policy, and information and resources. They also host annual conferences to share resources and connect with others in the disability field.

We first partnered with TASH during the Summer 2018 Program, and they have been an employer partner in every program since. We are very grateful for their partnership! Ruthie-Marie Beckwith, TASH’s Executive Director, shared: “For the past three years, BroadFutures has been a tremendous partner in promoting TASH’s mission of ensuring equity, opportunity and inclusion for all individuals with disabilities. The dedicated and talented BroadFutures interns have been extremely well trained and supported throughout their placement and provided a tremendous service to the TASH community.

To Ruthie-Marie and the TASH staff: thank you so much for supporting our interns. We are thrilled to partner with an organization whose mission aligns with ours.  We look forward to continuing our partnership with TASH into the future. Learn more about TASH here.
Intern Spotlight – Scott Mikutsky

Meet Scott Mikutsky, an intern from our Winter 2020 cohort who we are excited to feature in our Intern Spotlight! Scott is from Riva, Maryland and is majoring in engineering at Anne Arundel Community College. He is a bright young man with a great sense of humor, and was a positive contributor to our program this winter. A fantastic problem-solver and creative thinker, Scott is also very knowledgeable about electronics and computers. These skills and knowledge helped him tremendously at his internship with Discovery, Inc. 

Scott enjoyed working with the IT team at Discovery, alongside another  BroadFutures intern. During his internship, Scott learned how to assist with various IT issues, imaged and prepared computers for deployment, and gave two presentations to the IT team. Thinking back on his time in the program, Scott shared with us, ” My favorite part of the program was the valuable experience I gained and the people I was able to meet.

Scott plans to continue pursuing his degree in engineering from Anne Arundel in the fall. Scott, we wish you the best of luck and can’t wait to hear about your future successes!
Know someone who would be interested in what BroadFutures does?
Know someone who might be interested in applying?

Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and connect with us on LinkedIn  to stay up to date on what we are doing here at BroadFutures.
202-521-4312 | info@broadfutures-website.azurewebsites.net  | www.broadfutures.org