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As the new year begins, many of you are probably dreading the question from family and friends, “What are you going to do after high school graduation?” For students with learning differences who might have found academics to be a challenge, a four-year university is not always the immediate first choice – and that’s okay! Michael Sandler, an expert on ADHD and education, assures that it is totally acceptable to not immediately start college after you graduate from high school, especially because there are so many alternatives. These alternatives, including working in an internship or full-time job, all offer significant benefits that can lead to success both academically and professionally, by providing opportunities to gain valuable work experience and investigate your interests.
At BroadFutures, we believe this is particularly true for students with learning and attention issues, as these nontraditional learners often learn best by doing. Our paid internship program is focused on helping young people realize their potential through hands-on experiences that increase self-confidence, independence, communication skills, and resilience. We utilize alternative learning strategies for our unique learners by incorporating the arts, yoga, and mindfulness. Our holistic approach creates a valuable opportunity for young people with learning and attention issues to consider as a gap year option.
Similarly, John Willson, Executive Director of SOAR, a gap year program that focuses on young adults with ADHD and/or other learning differences, points out that a gap year can provide a much-needed break from traditional schooling and offers endless possibilities for students to gain practical life experience. These options can include interning or working, traveling, volunteering, performing research, and more. No one option is better than the others – decide what is best for you! To help you decide, think about why you want to take a gap year in the first place and what you want to get out of it.
Some students simply are not ready for college or a career yet! Some are burnt out from academic pressures put on by the stress of high school. Others are not sure what area of study they want to pursue. Some students are not developmentally ready for college yet, while others lack the executive functioning skills necessary to succeed in college. If any of these descriptions resonate with you, a gap year is worth looking into. Otherwise, you could miss the opportunity to reach your full potential.
A gap year can provide a significant confidence booster for students with learning and attention issues. While many of these students have struggled to be successful in school, often a gap year provides the perfect environment to achieve success, and in turn increases self-confidence. As an additional bonus, writer Carter Brown from GoAbroad.com notes that a gap year can help you stand out to potential colleges and employers. 88% of students who took an internship during their gap year reported the internship significantly added to their employability, according to a survey done by the Gap Year Association. In addition, students who have interned during a gap year are perceived to be more mature, more self-reliant, and more independent than those who don’t. Work experience during a gap year is particularly important for students with learning and attention issues. These students often are not able to engage in work opportunities during the summer, since they are taking classes due to a reduced course load during the year. These early work experiences ensure they are not at a competitive disadvantage when applying to jobs after college.
Specifically, here are some reasons why a gap year could be beneficial for young people with learning and attention issues. When taking a gap year, students are able to:
Being a gap year program ourselves, the mission of BroadFutures is to provide a supportive and enriching experiential learning opportunity for young people with learning and attention issues. We combine a two-week training program that creatively engages youth to strengthen their self-advocacy, interview skills, communication, and overall professionalism with mentorship and internships. Through partnerships with more than 50 diverse employers, participants work four days a week at paid internships designed to match their interests and strengths and come back to us on Fridays for ongoing training. Throughout the internship, BroadFutures provides support through a unique peer mentor and coaching model.
Here are a few other programs worth taking a look at, specifically for students with LD and/or ADHD:
The Gap Year Association website is also a great resource for different gap year programs.
BroadFutures is thrilled to announce that after a careful vetting process, we have been selected by the Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington for their Class of 2019-2020! We are so proud to have been selected as #oneofthebest nonprofits that are working each day to make a difference, close to home. We cannot wait to begin our partnership with the Catalogue.
Check out our page here.
We are thrilled to welcome our new Program Director, Ashley Bray, to BroadFutures. Ashley is passionate about supporting advocacy efforts for individuals with disabilities by breaking down barriers in academia and employment to promote a path to self-determination and success. She has extensive experience and leadership in program development, specifically in expanding academic, economic, and workforce opportunities for diverse communities, including individuals with learning disabilities. Ashley also has experience in the development and facilitation of trainings on disability awareness, inclusion, and appropriate accommodations and technical assistance in both the classroom and the workplace.
We are thrilled to have Ashley bringing her talents, experience and passion to our team here at BroadFutures, especially at this exciting time when we have expanded our program to serve 36 interns this summer and have grown our employer partner partnerships to over 50. A warm welcome to Ashley!!!
We are looking forward to launching our expanded Summer 2019 Program in just a few weeks— we are thrilled to be welcoming 30-35 BroadFutures interns and many new and inspired employer partners!! Stay tuned for more information about our new cohorts and new employer partners for the summer program, starting on June 10th.
We are thrilled to announce our new partnership with the District Wharf! This summer, we expanded the BroadFutures program and its available internship opportunities by partnering with seven new employers on the District Wharf, the new development project in Southwest D.C. Thank you to our inspired new employer partners on the Wharf for such a successful partnership and for incredible opportunities for a group of our Summer 2018 interns!! Read the full post and press release here.
We are thrilled to announce that we have graduated our 9th cohort of BroadFutures interns! This was our largest cohort to date and consisted of 28 interns. On August 10th, we enjoyed the chance to watch the interns’ presentations and celebrate their successes with our incredible families and employer partners. Congratulations and good luck to our brand-new alumni!!
We are excited to announce that we have been accredited by the Gap Year Association! It was a rigorous process, but after 9 months of hard work we have achieved accreditation. This partnership with the GYA will enable us to collaborate with other Gap Year programs, to expand our program nationally, and to serve a broader range of students.
BroadFutures signed an MOU with Landmark college earlier this month to serve their students through our program as part of their undergraduate work based learning curriculum.