Summer at BroadFutures
We are excited to be welcoming our 11th cohort of interns in June – a group of 36 amazing young people with diverse talents and interests. This is our largest cohort to date and we are eager to begin working with them and helping unlock their potential.
We have also formed partnerships with 9 new inspired employers who are excited to share our mission and host our interns. Our new employers include Phoenix Hotel, NBC Sports, the Office of Senator Diane Feinstein, Arc of NOVA, AIR, Zenimax, Cormac Group, the Office of Senator Chuck Schumer, and the Office of Congressman David Trone.
Welcoming our new Program Director, Ashley Bray
We are thrilled to w
elcome our new Program Director, Ashley Bray, to BroadFutures. Ashley is passionate about supporting advocacy efforts for individuals with disabilities by breaking down barriers in academia and employment to promote a path to self-determination and success. She has extensive experience and leadership in program development, specifically in expanding academic, economic, and workforce opportunities for diverse communities, including individuals with learning
disabilities. Ashley also has experience in the development and facilitation of trainings on disability awareness, inclusion, and accommodations in both the classroom and the workplace.
Prior to joining BroadFutures, Ashley worked as a Disability and Learning Skills Advisor at Georgetown University, managing the Academic Resource Center for the School of Continuing Studies and overseeing the coordination and implementation of academic accommodations and support services. She also served as a Program Coordinator at The National Disability Institute, managing a national initiative providing individualized training and technical assistance in financial education, workforce development, disability customer services, and universal design. Ashley also worked as an Education & Employment Coordinator at Jubilee Housing, and as a Workforce Development Specialist at Linden Resources (presently Melwood). Ashley received her M.A. in Human Development and Secondary Special Education with a concentration in Vocational Evaluation from The George Washington University and her B.S. in Human Development from Virginia Tech.
We are thrilled to have Ashley bringing her talents, experience, and passion to our team here at BroadFutures!!!
Intern Spotlight- Sam Flood
This month we are shining the spotlight on Sam Flood! Sam is a 25-year-old New Jersey native who has spent the past 5 months living in DC as a BroadFutures intern. Sam is a recent graduate of Mitchell College where he earned a degree in Graphic Design. He joined the winter 2019 program in January and interned for the Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE). At APSE, Sam was responsible for creating email ad campaigns to be sent to all members, as well as various accounting functions. Sam also attended meetings on Capitol Hill to discuss the importance of Certified Professional Employment Specialists, along with the APSE team.
This month, Sam has returned to BroadFutures as an alumni intern and is interning with the Small Business Administration (SBA) in the General Counsel’s Office, where he is responsible for a broad array of administrative tasks, supporting the important work that the General Counsel’s office does. Sam is really enjoying his internship and looking forward to continuing to develop his professional skills as an alumni intern while also learning more about the work of the SBA.
In reflecting on his BroadFutures experience to date, Sam had this to say:
“My experience at BroadFutures has been great because I have learned to adapt to a work environment. My internship has been extraordinary. The Small Business Administration is a great place for any intern!”
Keep up the good work, Sam! We are excited to partner with you as watch your success.
Employer Spotlight-
The Office of Senator Tammy Duckworth
This month we are excited to feature
The Office of Senator Tammy Duckworth, one of our new employer partners, joining us this past winter. Senator Duckworth was elected to the United States Senate, representing Illinois, in 2016 after serving two terms in the House as a Representative of Illinois’s Eighth Congressional District.
An Iraq War Veteran, Purple Heart recipient and former Assistant Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Senator Duckworth has been a staunch advocate for Veterans, and her Hill office has a strong commitment to hiring people with disabilities.
Being a highly competitive place to intern, we are thrilled to be partnering with the Senator. Our BroadFutures intern, Ryan, had an amazing experience this past winter. He was thrilled to gain experience on Capitol Hill and his efforts to work
and professionally did not go unnoticed as he was offered an extended internship!
More information about Senator Duckworth can be found
We are Thrilled to Have Been Accepted to the Catalogue for Philanthropy
We are deeply honored to have been accepted into the Catalogue for Philanthropy’s 2019-20 Class as
#OneoftheBest local nonprofits and join the other nonprofit partners in
The Catalogue that are working each day to make a difference, close to home.
Check it out here!
June 27, 2019 @ 9:30am
Coffee, Croissants and Program Overview
2013 H Street, NW
Please RSVP: cjeppsen@broadfutures-website.azurewebsites.net
Our deadline for our Summer 2019 Program has closed.
Our deadline for Winter 2020 applications is October 15, 2019. If yo
u are interested in applying,
please do so
If you are interested in becoming an employer partner, we are actively recruiting new employers. Please find
out more
Know someone who would be interested in what BroadFutures does?
Know someone who might be interested in applying?
Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and Connect with us on LinkedIn
to stay up to date on what we are doing here at BroadFutures.
| BroadFutures
| 202-521-4312 | info@broadfutures-website.azurewebsites.net
| www.broadfutures.org